Monday, September 30, 2019

Han and Roman Attitudes Toward Technology Essay

Technology is an important aspect in all civilizations, and depending on the point of view looked at the opinions vary greatly. Especially when comparing opinions of lower class and upper class people, or gender. During the early first centuries of the Han Dynasty and Roman Empire there were a lot of mixed feelings toward technology. Depending on whose opinion you heard the answer would vary between negative and positive outlooks. Most opinions seemed to have been based off of the following categories, practicality, citizen’s use, and beauty. Opinions varied depending on the major concern of the point of view and the class they belonged to. When opinions were weighed on practicality their major concern was the efficiency of the technology and if it was easy to use. One Han government official wrote to local officials in the early second century (B. C. E) concerning flood prevention (doc. 1). His opinion was well educated because being of an upper class and being a government official meant he was well educated, and also his opinion was of a situation he witnessed and he had proof to support his thoughts. His opinion was unbiased and trustworthy because his concerns were not for himself but for all the people of the civilization. This is proven when he states more organization is needed in order to stay on top of issues that affect everyone of the dynasty. He felt technology was advanced enough to prevent flooding more efficiently but there needed to be a greater effort into establishing a greater number of water conservation offices in each district. Overall he did not believe that technology was lacking but the organization of the use of technology was. Huan Tan, an upper-class philosopher in about 20 C.  E also had an opinion weighing on practicality (doc. 3). Being a philosopher you can assume he was well educated and therefore his opinion is educated. Huan’s point of view was based on practicality because he had a positive opinion on technology due to the efficiency and usefulness of tools and the fast progression of it. He proves the technology is efficient by stating facts like that the pestle and the mortar were modified and were made capable of allowing the weight of the whole body to be used. Since Huan included these sorts of facts it shows he’s well educated in the area of technology. Overall Huan Tan had a very positive outlook on technology, feeling that it evolved at a steady pace. The source History of the Early Han Dynasty was a government sponsored source that comes from the period of about 200 C. E. (doc. 4). This opinion is clearly biased and untrustworthy because its government sponsored and therefore was written to support the government and make it look successful. This is proven when the governor of Nanyang, Tu Shui is made to look good by the statement that he improved technology because he loved his people so much he wanted to make life easy as possible for them. Although this point of view is untrustworthy it is still weighed on practicality due to the supposed concern of the efficiency and having technology be beneficial without having to do much work. The last opinion formed by practicality was one of a Seneca upper –classman philosopher and adviser to Emperor Nero (doc. 7). This point of view again is someone of a higher class with more money and therefore does not rely on technology as much as someone of a lower class. His opinion of technology was negative; he believed tools were invented by unintelligent men. His opinion was based off of practicality and was proven by his statement that recent inventions were not only inefficient but also were useless. He felt inventors no longer, no matter how intelligent, did not think outside the box and only tackled mild issues that were not of large concern. Overall he felt greater issues needed to be taken on by people of both intelligence and creativity. Other opinions seemed to have most concern with citizen’s use. When weighing on this, the point of view was most affected by the knowledge of who used the technology or the convenience of the access to the technology. A government official by the name if Huan Guan has a negative outlook on technology based off of citizen’s use (doc. 2). This perspective is from an educated upper class man who therefore does not do much manual labor. Foundry work and salt boiling were at one time allowed to be done by workers as long as they followed two conditions, they has to report they were doing so and they had to pay a tax. During the earlier time the tools that were used to do these jobs were made by families and were efficient and well-made. Later on the state forced citizens to only use the iron tools manufactured by them, which were nonfunctional. This is known as convict labor, and in doing so they also monopolized the salt and iron trades. This issue angered Huan Guan because this caused the salt and iron prices to rise and made it so lower class citizens could not afford to buy either. Huan felt technology was being weakened by the government and that making it more difficult for families to continue their businesses was not right. Another opinion based off of citizen’s use was one of a Cicero upper-class Roman political leader of the first century (B. C. E. ). This opinion comes from an upper class man who does not do any handy-work and therefore cannot state and accurate opinion on technology. He believed there was a fine line between the difference of a â€Å"gentleman† and a man. He felt certain jobs were degrading to men, such as manual labor or â€Å"handy work†. He states, â€Å"Vulgar and unbecoming to a gentleman are all the jobs hired workers take on†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (doc. 5). He feels the work they do is paid by the labor they do and not the skill of their work. In conclusion he doesn’t see any importance in the area of technology, also he doesn’t necessarily have a negative nor positive opinion he just doesn’t value it, h cares more about his status. The last source weighed on citizen’s use is one from Frontinus, a Roman general, governor of Britain and water commissioner for the city of Rome (doc. 8). His opinion is biased because he is governor of Britain and therefore feels his civilization is the most advanced and has the greatest technology because he is in charge of it. This is shown when he says that Roman technology exceeds any other including both the Egyptian’s and the Greeks. Frontinus feels that the works of those two civilizations are useless, he states, â€Å"Compare such numerous and indispensible structures carrying so much water with the idle pyramids, or the useless but famous works of the Greeks. † He feels only Roman technology has both the beauty aspect while still being efficient. He feels his technology is so successful because the aqueducts were so successful they made it possible for people of any class to have an abundance of water, which proves his opinion was based on citizen’s use. Lastly, some opinions were made by the beauty of technology. Very simply this is when the point of view is confirmed by the appearance rather than the efficiency or usefulness of the technology. Plutarch, a Greek-born Roman citizen and high official of the second century describes Gaius Gracchus a Roman political leader of the first century’s opinion on technology (doc. 6). This source is unreliable because it is not a primary source and therefore is not as reliable because the opinion could have been slightly altered by misinterpretation or on purpose. The major concern according to this source, of Gaius Gracchus was the appearance of everything and not the usefulness of it; he wanted everything to be pleasing to the eye. All roads were straight; both sides of bridges had to be â€Å"equal and parallel height with the result that the road for its entire course had a level and beautiful appearance. † (doc. 6). Overall the appearance was the greatest factor when it came to Gaius Gracchus. Again just as all the other documents the point of view belonged to an upper-class male, we have no opinions from a woman or someone of a lower class. Out of all the documents the point of view missing in order to truly decipher the overall attitudes towards Han and Roman technology is the opinion of a lower class person such as a peasant. All the documents come from the perspective of an upper-class male. Therefore the ultimate attitude toward the technology of Han and Rome cannot be determined. Each documents perspective varied depending on how they made their opinion, whether it was weighted on practicality, citizen’s use, or beauty.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Descartes And The Material World

If you can’t, does it follow that Descartes’ method of doubt is uselessIt is very difficult to know for certain if the material world exists or not because we are dealing with metaphysical philosophy. Metaphysical philosophy is the branch of philosophy concerned with the basic nature of reality. Its aim is to give a systematic account of the world and the principles that govern it Rene Descartes, a French philosopher during the 17th century came up with many arguments concerning existence. Descartes is called a dualist because he claimed that the world consists of two basic substances, matter and spirit. Matter is the physical universe, of which our bodies are a part. The human mind, or spirit, interacts with the body but can, in theory, exist without it, Descartes argued. Descartes wrote pieces of writing known as The Six Meditations. During these meditations he attempted to rule out anything that can be doubtful. So, for the purpose of rejecting all my opinions, it will be enough if I find each of them at least some reason for doubt, he commented. The results of these meditations will be discussed in detail. Although Descartes is very influential to modern philosophy, it came with a price. Many philosophers attacked Descartes arguments critically. One example where Descartes arguments have been attacked is in the book by John Cottingham. These arguments will be discussed further in this essay. In Meditations on First Philosophy, Descartes first considered the strongest reasons that might be used to show that he could never be certain of anything. He clarifies that everything that humans accept as true have been acquired from the senses or through the senses. Although our senses are our most trustworthy friend, they tend to deceive us from time to time. It is prudent never to trust completely those who have deceived us even once , Descartes argues. In mentally sane beings, the best example where our senses may have deceived us is in our dreams. When we dream, we rarely know we are actually dreaming. So in turn, while dreaming, we are perceived with a false reality. These arguments included the idea that perhaps we might be dreaming, so that nothing we seem to perceive is real. There are though universal laws in which even if our physical existence is doubted still exist. For example, Mathematics and Geometry would still exist because it does not rely on matter. Two plus two would still equal four as well as the fact that a square will always have four sides. Back to the meditation, Descartes reflected that perhaps God or some evil demon was constantly tricking his mind, causing him to believe what was false. Yet, it cannot be God because according to Descartes, God is supremely good. Descartes commences the Second meditation saying, Anything of the slightest doubt I will set aside just as if I had found it to be wholly false. In another words, he will attempt to disregard anything that can be categorised as doubtful. One thing, Descartes argues can exist without doubt, ones existence. Nothing can make him doubt that. Descartes then introduced the famous Latin phrase cogito ergo sum, which means I think, therefore I am. Analysing Descartes arguments, it is clear that one can doubt the existence of a physical world. Descartes gives the example of a piece of wax. When he first perceives the wax, it is hard, has a certain colour, shape and other qualities. However when he puts that same wax next to the fire all its primary and secondary qualities change. It is not hard anymore; colour, shape and other qualities have changed. Nevertheless we still know that it is the same wax before we put it next to the fire. Our mind can understand that but our senses cannot. Many philosophers, on the other hand, disagree with Descartes. For example, the main objection to Descartes theories is the phrase, See to believe. One cannot assume something without actually experiencing it for themselves. In the case of the evil demon, evidence is needed to prove that it actually exists. If there were even the slightest evidence, maybe its existence can be argued upon but the truth is that there is no proof that this demon exists (although physical proof is sometimes not sufficient, for example, in the case of God). If there is a deception, there must be some way to know whether one has been deceived. Otherwise the word deception doesnt distinguish anything from anything else. For example, walking in the desert, one sees water but getting closer to it, it disappears and found out its only a mirage. He/she has found out that he/she has been deceived. In the case of the evil demon, there is no proof that we are being tricked, as mentioned before. As written earlier, Descartes believed that existence may be just a dream but again many believe it is very doubtful. Many believe that dreams are just a reflection of real life. In another words, we dream what we have experienced when awake. Dreams also lack the massiveness and the tremendous degree of internal co-herence that waking-life experiences rather than dreams. In another words, dreams lack things such as laws of gravity and realness that are associated with real life. John Cottingham criticises Descartes in many ways. For example, Descartes points out that the reliability of the intellect is much greater than that of the senses. The question is how the intellect can doubt the senses if we take in our information from our senses and only our senses. Another objection is that from the fact that we are thinking does not seem to be entirely certain that we exist. For in order to be certain that one is thinking one must know what thought or thinking actually is as well as what our existence is. All in all, Descartes work is very influential to modern philosophy. As John Stuart Mill once said, in an argument no one is 100% correct or incorrect, so there it would be unwise to discard anyones opinion. For all humans know, Descartes may be wrong or not but his method of doubt is definitely not useless. In another words, in light of these arguments, it seems that the most plausible position is to keep an open mind.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Jawaharlal Nehru

Jawaharlal Nehru (Hindi/Kashmiri: , pronounced [d a r? la? l ? ne ru? ]; 14 November 1889–27 May 1964[4]) was an Indian statesman who was the first (and to date the longest-serving) prime minister of India, from 1947 until 1964. One of the leading figures in the Indian independence movement, Nehru was elected by the Congress Party to assume office as independent India's first Prime Minister, and re-elected when the Congress Party won India's first general election in 1952.As one of the founders of the Non-aligned Movement, he was also an important figure in the international politics of the post-war era. He is frequently referred to as Pandit Nehru (â€Å"pandit† being a Sanskrit and Hindi honorific meaning â€Å"scholar† or â€Å"teacher†) and, specifically in India, as Panditji (with â€Å"-ji† being a honorific suffix). The son of a wealthy Indian barrister and politician, Motilal Nehru, Nehru became a leader of the left wing of the Congress Pa rty when still fairly young.Rising to become Congress President, under the mentorship of Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru was a charismatic and radical leader, advocating complete independence from the British Empire. In the long struggle for Indian independence, in which he was a key player, Nehru was eventually recognized as Gandhi's political heir. Throughout his life, Nehru was also an advocate for Fabian socialism and the public sector as the means by which long-standing challenges of economic development could be addressed by poorer nations. Jawaharlal Nehru was born to Motilal Nehru (1861–1931) and Swaroop Rani (1863–1954) in a Kashmiri Pandit family.The Nehru family – Motilal Nehru is seated in the center, and standing (L to R) are Jawaharlal Nehru, Vijayalakshmi Pandit, Krishna Hutheesing, Indira Gandhi, and Ranjit Pandit; Seated: Swaroop Rani, Motilal Nehru and Kamala Nehru (circa 1927). Nehru was educated in India and Britain. In England, he attended the indepen dent boy's school, Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge. Jawaharlal Nehru at Harrow, where he was also known as Joe Nehru. During his time in Britain, Nehru was also known as Joe Nehru. [5][6][7][8][9][10] On 8 February, 1916, Nehru married seventeen year old Kamala Kaul. In the irst year of the marriage, Kamala gave birth to their only child, Indira Priyadarshini. [edit] Life and career Nehru raised the flag of independent India in New Delhi on 15 August 1947, the day India gained Independence.Nehru's appreciation of the virtues of parliamentary democracy, secularism and liberalism, coupled with his concerns for the poor and underprivileged, are recognised to have guided him in formulating socialist policies that influence India to this day. They also reflect the socialist origins of his worldview. His daughter, Indira Gandhi, and grandson, Rajiv Gandhi, also served as Prime Ministers of India. edit] Successor to Gandhi On 15 January 1941 Gandhi said, â€Å"Some say Pandit Nehru and I were estranged. It will require much more than difference of opinion to estrange us. We had differences from the time we became co-workers and yet I have said for some years and say so now that not Rajaji but Jawaharlal will be my successor. â€Å"[11] [edit] India's first Prime Minister Teen Murti Bhavan, Nehru's residence as Prime Minister, now a museum in his memory. Nehru and his colleagues had been released as the British Cabinet Mission arrived to propose plans for transfer of power.Once elected, Nehru headed an interim government, which was impaired by outbreaks of communal violence and political disorder, and the opposition of the Muslim League led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who were demanding a separate Muslim state of Pakistan. After failed bids to form coalitions, Nehru reluctantly supported the partition of India, according to a plan released by the British on 3 June 1947. He took office as the Prime Minister of India on 15 August, and delivered his inaugural address titled â€Å"A Tryst With Destiny† â€Å"Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes hen we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance. It is fitting that at this solemn moment we take the pledge of dedication to the service of India and her people and to the still larger cause of humanity. â€Å"[12] However, this period was marked with intense communal violence.This violence swept across the Punjab region, Delhi, Bengal and other parts of India. Nehru conducted joint tours[citation needed] with Pakistani leaders to encourage peace and calm angry and disillusioned refugees. Nehru would work with Maulana Azad and other Muslim leaders to safeguard and encourage Muslims to remain in India. The violence of the time deeply affected Nehru, who called for a ceasefire[citation needed] and UN intervention to stop the Indo-Pakistani War of 1947. Fearing communal reprisals, Nehru also hesitated in supporting the annexation of Hyderabad State.In the years following independence, Nehru frequently turned to his daughter Indira to look after him and manage his personal affairs. Under his leadership, the Congress won an overwhelming majority in the elections of 1952. Indira moved into Nehru's official residence to attend to him and became his constant companion in his travels across India and the world. Indira would virtually become Nehru's chief of staff. Nehru's study in Teen Murti Bhavan. [edit] Economic policies Nehru presided over the introduction of a modified, Indian version of state planning and control over the economy.Creating the Planning commission of India, Nehru drew up the first Five-Year Plan in 1951, which charted the gov ernment's investments in industries and agriculture. Increasing business and income taxes, Nehru envisaged a mixed economy in which the government would manage strategic industries such as mining, electricity and heavy industries, serving public interest and a check to private enterprise. Nehru pursued land redistribution and launched programmes to build irrigation canals, dams and spread the use of fertilizers to increase agricultural roduction. He also pioneered a series of community development programs aimed at spreading diverse cottage industries and increasing efficiency into rural India. While encouraging the construction of large dams (which Nehru called the â€Å"new temples of India†), irrigation works and the generation of hydroelectricity, Nehru also launched India's programme to harness nuclear energy. For most of Nehru's term as prime minister, India would continue to face serious food shortages despite progress and increases in agricultural production.Nehru's i ndustrial policies, summarised in the Industrial Policy Resolution of 1956, encouraged the growth of diverse manufacturing and heavy industries,[13] yet state planning, controls and regulations began to impair productivity, quality and profitability. Although the Indian economy enjoyed a steady rate of growth, called Hindu rate of growth at 2. 5% per annum, chronic unemployment amidst widespread poverty continued to plague the population. [edit] Education and social reform Jawaharlal Nehru was a passionate advocate of education for India's children and youth, believing it essential for India's future progress.His government oversaw the establishment of many institutions of higher learning, including the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, the Indian Institutes of Technology and the Indian Institutes of Management. Nehru also outlined a commitment in his five-year plans to guarantee free and compulsory primary education to all of India's children. For this purpose, Nehru oversaw the creation of mass village enrollment programmes and the construction of thousands of schools. Nehru also launched initiatives such as the provision of free milk and meals to children in order to fight malnutrition.Adult education centres, vocational and technical schools were also organised for adults, especially in the rural areas. Under Nehru, the Indian Parliament enacted many changes to Hindu law to criminalize caste discrimination and increase the legal rights and social freedoms of women[14][15][16] [17] A system of reservations in government services and educational institutions was created to eradicate the social inequalities and disadvantages faced by peoples of the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. Nehru also championed secularism and religious harmony, increasing the representation of minorities in government. edit] National security and foreign policy See also: Role of India in Non-Aligned Movement Nehru led newly independent India from 1947 to 1964, during its first years of freedom from British rule. Both the United States and the Soviet Union competed to make India an ally throughout the Cold War. On the international scene, Nehru was a champion of pacifism and a strong supporter of the United Nations. He pioneered the policy of non-alignment and co-founded the Non-Aligned Movement of nations professing neutrality between the rival blocs of nations led by the U. S. and the U. S.S. R. Recognising the People's Republic of China soon after its founding (while most of the Western bloc continued relations with the Republic of China), Nehru argued for its inclusion in the United Nations and refused to brand the Chinese as the aggressors in their conflict with Korea. [18] He sought to establish warm and friendly relations with China in 1950, and hoped to act as an intermediary to bridge the gulf and tensions between the communist states and the Western bloc. Meanwhile, Nehru had promised in 1948 to hold a plebiscite in Kashmir under the auspic es of the U.N. but, as Pakistan failed to pull back troops in accordance with the UN resolution and as Nehru grew increasingly wary of the U. N. , he declined to hold a plebiscite in 1953. He ordered the arrest of the Kashmiri politician Sheikh Abdullah, whom he had previously supported but now suspected of harbouring separatist ambitions; Bakshi Ghulam Mohammad replaced him. His policy of pacifism and appeasement with respect to China also came unraveled when border disputes led to the Sino-Indian war in 1962.Jawaharlal Nehru (right) talks to Pakistan prime minister Muhammad Ali Bogra (left) during his 1953 visit to Karachi. Nehru was hailed by many for working to defuse global tensions and the threat of nuclear weapons. [19] He commissioned the first study of the human effects of nuclear explosions, and campaigned ceaselessly for the abolition of what he called â€Å"these frightful engines of destruction. † He also had pragmatic reasons for promoting de-nuclearisation, fea ring that a nuclear arms race would lead to over-militarisation that would be unaffordable for developing countries such as his own. 20] In 1956 he had criticised the joint invasion of the Suez Canal by the British, French and Israelis. Suspicion and distrust cooled relations between India and the U. S. , which suspected Nehru of tacitly supporting the Soviet Union. Accepting the arbitration of the UK and World Bank, Nehru signed the Indus Water Treaty in 1960 with Pakistani ruler Ayub Khan to resolve long-standing disputes about sharing the resources of the major rivers of the Punjab region. [edit] Final years Nehru with Ashoke Kumar Sen, S.Radhakrishnan and Bidhan Chandra RoyNehru had led the Congress to a major victory in the 1957 elections, but his government was facing rising problems and criticism. Disillusioned by intra-party corruption and bickering, Nehru contemplated resigning but continued to serve. The election of his daughter Indira as Congress President in 1959 aroused criticism for alleged nepotism[citation needed], although actually Nehru had disapproved of her election, partly because he considered it smacked of â€Å"dynastism†; he said, indeed it was â€Å"wholly undemocratic and an undesirable thing†, and refused her a position in his cabinet. 21] Indira herself was at loggerheads with her father over policy; most notably, she used his oft-stated personal deference to the Congress Working Committee to push through the dismissal of the Communist Party of India government in the state of Kerala, over his own objections. [21] Nehru began to be frequently embarrassed by her ruthlessness and disregard for parliamentary tradition, and was â€Å"hurt† by what he saw as an assertiveness with no purpose other than to stake out an identity independent of her father. [4]Although the Pancha Sila (Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence) was the basis of the 1954 Sino-Indian border treaty, in later years, Nehru's foreign policy suff ered through increasing Chinese assertiveness over border disputes and Nehru's decision to grant political asylum to the 14th Dalai Lama. After years of failed negotiations, Nehru authorized the Indian Army to invade Goa in 1961, and then he annexed it to India. It increased his popularity, but he was criticized the use of military force. In the 1962 elections, Nehru led the Congress to victory yet with a diminished majority.Opposition parties ranging from the right-wing Bharatiya Jana Sangh and Swatantra Party, socialists and the Communist Party of India performed well. Public viewing of Nehru's body, which lies in state, in 1964; the gun carriage used for his state funeral was later used for the state funeral of Mother TeresaSince 1959, and this accelerated in 1961, Nehru adopted the â€Å"Forward Policy† of setting up military outposts in disputed areas of the Sino-Indian border, including in 43 outposts in territory not previously controlled by India. 22] China attacked s ome of these outposts, and thus the Sino-Indian War began, which India technically lost, but China gained no territory as it withdrew to pre-war lines. The war exposed the weaknesses of India's military, and Nehru was widely criticised for his government's insufficient attention to defence. In response, Nehru sacked the defence minister Krishna Menon and sought U. S. military aid, but Nehru's health began declining steadily, and he spent months recuperating in Kashmir through 1963.Some historians attribute this dramatic decline to his surprise and chagrin over the Sino-Indian War, which he perceived as a betrayal of trust. [23] Upon his return from Kashmir in May 1964, Nehru suffered a stroke and later a heart attack. He died in the early hours of 27 May 1964. Nehru was cremated in accordance with Hindu rites at the Shantivana on the banks of the Yamuna River, witnessed by hundreds of thousands of mourners who had flocked into the streets of Delhi and the cremation grounds. [edit] L egacy Nehru's statue in Aldwych, London.As India's first Prime minister and external affairs minister, Jawaharlal Nehru played a major role in shaping modern India's government and political culture along with sound foreign policy. He is praised for creating a system providing universal primary education, reaching children in the farthest corners of rural India. Nehru's education policy is also credited for the development of world-class educational institutions such as the All India Institute of Medical Sciences,[24] Indian Institutes of Technology,[25] and the Indian Institutes of Management. Nehru was a great man†¦ Nehru gave to Indians an image of themselves that I don't think others might have succeeded in doing. † – Sir Isaiah Berlin[26] In addition, Nehru's stance as an unfailing nationalist led him to also implement policies which stressed commonality among Indians while still appreciating regional diversities. This proved particularly important as post-Ind ependence differences surfaced since British withdrawal from the subcontinent prompted regional leaders to no longer relate to one another as allies against a common adversary.While differences of culture and, especially, language threatened the unity of the new nation, Nehru established programs such as the National Book Trust and the National Literary Academy which promoted the translation of regional literatures between languages and also organized the transfer of materials between regions. In pursuit of a single, unified India, Nehru warned, â€Å"Integrate or perish. â€Å"[27] [edit] Commemoration Nehru hands out sweets to children in Nongpoh Jawaharlal Nehru on a 1989 USSR commemorative stamp.In his lifetime, Jawaharlal Nehru enjoyed an iconic status in India and was widely admired across the world for his idealism and statesmanship. His birthday, 14 November, is celebrated in India as Baal Divas (Children's Day) in recognition of his lifelong passion and work for the welfa re, education and development of children and young people. Children across India remember him as Chacha Nehru (Uncle Nehru). Nehru remains a popular symbol of the Congress Party which frequently celebrates his memory.Congress leaders and activists often emulate his style of clothing, especially the Gandhi cap, and his mannerisms. Nehru's ideals and policies continue to shape the Congress Party's manifesto and core political philosophy. An emotional attachment to his legacy was instrumental in the rise of his daughter Indira to leadership of the Congress Party and the national government. Many documentaries about Nehru's life have been produced. He has also been portrayed in fictionalised films.The canonical performance is probably that of Roshan Seth, who played him three times: in Richard Attenborough's 1982 film Gandhi, Shyam Benegal's 1988 television series Bharat Ek Khoj, based on Nehru's The Discovery of India, and in a 2007 TV film entitled The Last Days of the Raj. [28] In K etan Mehta's film Sardar, Nehru was portrayed by Benjamin Gilani. Nehru's personal preference for the sherwani ensured that it continues to be considered formal wear in North India today; aside from lending his name to a kind of cap, the Nehru jacket is named in his honour due to his preference for that style.Numerous public institutions and memorials across India are dedicated to Nehru's memory. The Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi is among the most prestigious universities in India. The Jawaharlal Nehru Port near the city of Mumbai is a modern port and dock designed to handle a huge cargo and traffic load. Nehru's residence in Delhi is preserved as the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library. The Nehru family homes at Anand Bhavan and Swaraj Bhavan are also preserved to commemorate Nehru and his family's legacy. edit] Writings Nehru was a prolific writer in English and wrote a number of books, such as The Discovery of India, Glimpses of World History, and his autobiography, Towards Freedom. [edit] Awards In 1955 Nehru was awarded with Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian honour. [29] [edit] Criticism D. D. Kosambi, a well-known Marxist historian, criticized Nehru in his article for the bourgeoisie class exploitation of Nehru's socialist ideology. [30]Jaswant Singh, a former leader of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), viewed Nehru, not Mohammad Ali Jinnah, as causing the partition of India, mostly referring to his highly centralised policies for an independent India in 1947, which Jinnah opposed in favour of a more decentralised India. The split between the two was among the causes of partition. It is believed that personal animosity between the two leaders led to the partition of India. [31][32] Singh was later expelled from the BJP for having favourable views on Jinnah. [ Jawaharlal Nehru Jawaharlal Nehru (Hindi/Kashmiri: , pronounced [d a r? la? l ? ne ru? ]; 14 November 1889–27 May 1964[4]) was an Indian statesman who was the first (and to date the longest-serving) prime minister of India, from 1947 until 1964. One of the leading figures in the Indian independence movement, Nehru was elected by the Congress Party to assume office as independent India's first Prime Minister, and re-elected when the Congress Party won India's first general election in 1952.As one of the founders of the Non-aligned Movement, he was also an important figure in the international politics of the post-war era. He is frequently referred to as Pandit Nehru (â€Å"pandit† being a Sanskrit and Hindi honorific meaning â€Å"scholar† or â€Å"teacher†) and, specifically in India, as Panditji (with â€Å"-ji† being a honorific suffix). The son of a wealthy Indian barrister and politician, Motilal Nehru, Nehru became a leader of the left wing of the Congress Pa rty when still fairly young.Rising to become Congress President, under the mentorship of Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru was a charismatic and radical leader, advocating complete independence from the British Empire. In the long struggle for Indian independence, in which he was a key player, Nehru was eventually recognized as Gandhi's political heir. Throughout his life, Nehru was also an advocate for Fabian socialism and the public sector as the means by which long-standing challenges of economic development could be addressed by poorer nations. Jawaharlal Nehru was born to Motilal Nehru (1861–1931) and Swaroop Rani (1863–1954) in a Kashmiri Pandit family.The Nehru family – Motilal Nehru is seated in the center, and standing (L to R) are Jawaharlal Nehru, Vijayalakshmi Pandit, Krishna Hutheesing, Indira Gandhi, and Ranjit Pandit; Seated: Swaroop Rani, Motilal Nehru and Kamala Nehru (circa 1927). Nehru was educated in India and Britain. In England, he attended the indepen dent boy's school, Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge. Jawaharlal Nehru at Harrow, where he was also known as Joe Nehru. During his time in Britain, Nehru was also known as Joe Nehru. [5][6][7][8][9][10] On 8 February, 1916, Nehru married seventeen year old Kamala Kaul. In the irst year of the marriage, Kamala gave birth to their only child, Indira Priyadarshini. [edit] Life and career Nehru raised the flag of independent India in New Delhi on 15 August 1947, the day India gained Independence.Nehru's appreciation of the virtues of parliamentary democracy, secularism and liberalism, coupled with his concerns for the poor and underprivileged, are recognised to have guided him in formulating socialist policies that influence India to this day. They also reflect the socialist origins of his worldview. His daughter, Indira Gandhi, and grandson, Rajiv Gandhi, also served as Prime Ministers of India. edit] Successor to Gandhi On 15 January 1941 Gandhi said, â€Å"Some say Pandit Nehru and I were estranged. It will require much more than difference of opinion to estrange us. We had differences from the time we became co-workers and yet I have said for some years and say so now that not Rajaji but Jawaharlal will be my successor. â€Å"[11] [edit] India's first Prime Minister Teen Murti Bhavan, Nehru's residence as Prime Minister, now a museum in his memory. Nehru and his colleagues had been released as the British Cabinet Mission arrived to propose plans for transfer of power.Once elected, Nehru headed an interim government, which was impaired by outbreaks of communal violence and political disorder, and the opposition of the Muslim League led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who were demanding a separate Muslim state of Pakistan. After failed bids to form coalitions, Nehru reluctantly supported the partition of India, according to a plan released by the British on 3 June 1947. He took office as the Prime Minister of India on 15 August, and delivered his inaugural address titled â€Å"A Tryst With Destiny† â€Å"Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes hen we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance. It is fitting that at this solemn moment we take the pledge of dedication to the service of India and her people and to the still larger cause of humanity. â€Å"[12] However, this period was marked with intense communal violence.This violence swept across the Punjab region, Delhi, Bengal and other parts of India. Nehru conducted joint tours[citation needed] with Pakistani leaders to encourage peace and calm angry and disillusioned refugees. Nehru would work with Maulana Azad and other Muslim leaders to safeguard and encourage Muslims to remain in India. The violence of the time deeply affected Nehru, who called for a ceasefire[citation needed] and UN intervention to stop the Indo-Pakistani War of 1947. Fearing communal reprisals, Nehru also hesitated in supporting the annexation of Hyderabad State.In the years following independence, Nehru frequently turned to his daughter Indira to look after him and manage his personal affairs. Under his leadership, the Congress won an overwhelming majority in the elections of 1952. Indira moved into Nehru's official residence to attend to him and became his constant companion in his travels across India and the world. Indira would virtually become Nehru's chief of staff. Nehru's study in Teen Murti Bhavan. [edit] Economic policies Nehru presided over the introduction of a modified, Indian version of state planning and control over the economy.Creating the Planning commission of India, Nehru drew up the first Five-Year Plan in 1951, which charted the gov ernment's investments in industries and agriculture. Increasing business and income taxes, Nehru envisaged a mixed economy in which the government would manage strategic industries such as mining, electricity and heavy industries, serving public interest and a check to private enterprise. Nehru pursued land redistribution and launched programmes to build irrigation canals, dams and spread the use of fertilizers to increase agricultural roduction. He also pioneered a series of community development programs aimed at spreading diverse cottage industries and increasing efficiency into rural India. While encouraging the construction of large dams (which Nehru called the â€Å"new temples of India†), irrigation works and the generation of hydroelectricity, Nehru also launched India's programme to harness nuclear energy. For most of Nehru's term as prime minister, India would continue to face serious food shortages despite progress and increases in agricultural production.Nehru's i ndustrial policies, summarised in the Industrial Policy Resolution of 1956, encouraged the growth of diverse manufacturing and heavy industries,[13] yet state planning, controls and regulations began to impair productivity, quality and profitability. Although the Indian economy enjoyed a steady rate of growth, called Hindu rate of growth at 2. 5% per annum, chronic unemployment amidst widespread poverty continued to plague the population. [edit] Education and social reform Jawaharlal Nehru was a passionate advocate of education for India's children and youth, believing it essential for India's future progress.His government oversaw the establishment of many institutions of higher learning, including the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, the Indian Institutes of Technology and the Indian Institutes of Management. Nehru also outlined a commitment in his five-year plans to guarantee free and compulsory primary education to all of India's children. For this purpose, Nehru oversaw the creation of mass village enrollment programmes and the construction of thousands of schools. Nehru also launched initiatives such as the provision of free milk and meals to children in order to fight malnutrition.Adult education centres, vocational and technical schools were also organised for adults, especially in the rural areas. Under Nehru, the Indian Parliament enacted many changes to Hindu law to criminalize caste discrimination and increase the legal rights and social freedoms of women[14][15][16] [17] A system of reservations in government services and educational institutions was created to eradicate the social inequalities and disadvantages faced by peoples of the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. Nehru also championed secularism and religious harmony, increasing the representation of minorities in government. edit] National security and foreign policy See also: Role of India in Non-Aligned Movement Nehru led newly independent India from 1947 to 1964, during its first years of freedom from British rule. Both the United States and the Soviet Union competed to make India an ally throughout the Cold War. On the international scene, Nehru was a champion of pacifism and a strong supporter of the United Nations. He pioneered the policy of non-alignment and co-founded the Non-Aligned Movement of nations professing neutrality between the rival blocs of nations led by the U. S. and the U. S.S. R. Recognising the People's Republic of China soon after its founding (while most of the Western bloc continued relations with the Republic of China), Nehru argued for its inclusion in the United Nations and refused to brand the Chinese as the aggressors in their conflict with Korea. [18] He sought to establish warm and friendly relations with China in 1950, and hoped to act as an intermediary to bridge the gulf and tensions between the communist states and the Western bloc. Meanwhile, Nehru had promised in 1948 to hold a plebiscite in Kashmir under the auspic es of the U.N. but, as Pakistan failed to pull back troops in accordance with the UN resolution and as Nehru grew increasingly wary of the U. N. , he declined to hold a plebiscite in 1953. He ordered the arrest of the Kashmiri politician Sheikh Abdullah, whom he had previously supported but now suspected of harbouring separatist ambitions; Bakshi Ghulam Mohammad replaced him. His policy of pacifism and appeasement with respect to China also came unraveled when border disputes led to the Sino-Indian war in 1962.Jawaharlal Nehru (right) talks to Pakistan prime minister Muhammad Ali Bogra (left) during his 1953 visit to Karachi. Nehru was hailed by many for working to defuse global tensions and the threat of nuclear weapons. [19] He commissioned the first study of the human effects of nuclear explosions, and campaigned ceaselessly for the abolition of what he called â€Å"these frightful engines of destruction. † He also had pragmatic reasons for promoting de-nuclearisation, fea ring that a nuclear arms race would lead to over-militarisation that would be unaffordable for developing countries such as his own. 20] In 1956 he had criticised the joint invasion of the Suez Canal by the British, French and Israelis. Suspicion and distrust cooled relations between India and the U. S. , which suspected Nehru of tacitly supporting the Soviet Union. Accepting the arbitration of the UK and World Bank, Nehru signed the Indus Water Treaty in 1960 with Pakistani ruler Ayub Khan to resolve long-standing disputes about sharing the resources of the major rivers of the Punjab region. [edit] Final years Nehru with Ashoke Kumar Sen, S.Radhakrishnan and Bidhan Chandra RoyNehru had led the Congress to a major victory in the 1957 elections, but his government was facing rising problems and criticism. Disillusioned by intra-party corruption and bickering, Nehru contemplated resigning but continued to serve. The election of his daughter Indira as Congress President in 1959 aroused criticism for alleged nepotism[citation needed], although actually Nehru had disapproved of her election, partly because he considered it smacked of â€Å"dynastism†; he said, indeed it was â€Å"wholly undemocratic and an undesirable thing†, and refused her a position in his cabinet. 21] Indira herself was at loggerheads with her father over policy; most notably, she used his oft-stated personal deference to the Congress Working Committee to push through the dismissal of the Communist Party of India government in the state of Kerala, over his own objections. [21] Nehru began to be frequently embarrassed by her ruthlessness and disregard for parliamentary tradition, and was â€Å"hurt† by what he saw as an assertiveness with no purpose other than to stake out an identity independent of her father. [4]Although the Pancha Sila (Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence) was the basis of the 1954 Sino-Indian border treaty, in later years, Nehru's foreign policy suff ered through increasing Chinese assertiveness over border disputes and Nehru's decision to grant political asylum to the 14th Dalai Lama. After years of failed negotiations, Nehru authorized the Indian Army to invade Goa in 1961, and then he annexed it to India. It increased his popularity, but he was criticized the use of military force. In the 1962 elections, Nehru led the Congress to victory yet with a diminished majority.Opposition parties ranging from the right-wing Bharatiya Jana Sangh and Swatantra Party, socialists and the Communist Party of India performed well. Public viewing of Nehru's body, which lies in state, in 1964; the gun carriage used for his state funeral was later used for the state funeral of Mother TeresaSince 1959, and this accelerated in 1961, Nehru adopted the â€Å"Forward Policy† of setting up military outposts in disputed areas of the Sino-Indian border, including in 43 outposts in territory not previously controlled by India. 22] China attacked s ome of these outposts, and thus the Sino-Indian War began, which India technically lost, but China gained no territory as it withdrew to pre-war lines. The war exposed the weaknesses of India's military, and Nehru was widely criticised for his government's insufficient attention to defence. In response, Nehru sacked the defence minister Krishna Menon and sought U. S. military aid, but Nehru's health began declining steadily, and he spent months recuperating in Kashmir through 1963.Some historians attribute this dramatic decline to his surprise and chagrin over the Sino-Indian War, which he perceived as a betrayal of trust. [23] Upon his return from Kashmir in May 1964, Nehru suffered a stroke and later a heart attack. He died in the early hours of 27 May 1964. Nehru was cremated in accordance with Hindu rites at the Shantivana on the banks of the Yamuna River, witnessed by hundreds of thousands of mourners who had flocked into the streets of Delhi and the cremation grounds. [edit] L egacy Nehru's statue in Aldwych, London.As India's first Prime minister and external affairs minister, Jawaharlal Nehru played a major role in shaping modern India's government and political culture along with sound foreign policy. He is praised for creating a system providing universal primary education, reaching children in the farthest corners of rural India. Nehru's education policy is also credited for the development of world-class educational institutions such as the All India Institute of Medical Sciences,[24] Indian Institutes of Technology,[25] and the Indian Institutes of Management. Nehru was a great man†¦ Nehru gave to Indians an image of themselves that I don't think others might have succeeded in doing. † – Sir Isaiah Berlin[26] In addition, Nehru's stance as an unfailing nationalist led him to also implement policies which stressed commonality among Indians while still appreciating regional diversities. This proved particularly important as post-Ind ependence differences surfaced since British withdrawal from the subcontinent prompted regional leaders to no longer relate to one another as allies against a common adversary.While differences of culture and, especially, language threatened the unity of the new nation, Nehru established programs such as the National Book Trust and the National Literary Academy which promoted the translation of regional literatures between languages and also organized the transfer of materials between regions. In pursuit of a single, unified India, Nehru warned, â€Å"Integrate or perish. â€Å"[27] [edit] Commemoration Nehru hands out sweets to children in Nongpoh Jawaharlal Nehru on a 1989 USSR commemorative stamp.In his lifetime, Jawaharlal Nehru enjoyed an iconic status in India and was widely admired across the world for his idealism and statesmanship. His birthday, 14 November, is celebrated in India as Baal Divas (Children's Day) in recognition of his lifelong passion and work for the welfa re, education and development of children and young people. Children across India remember him as Chacha Nehru (Uncle Nehru). Nehru remains a popular symbol of the Congress Party which frequently celebrates his memory.Congress leaders and activists often emulate his style of clothing, especially the Gandhi cap, and his mannerisms. Nehru's ideals and policies continue to shape the Congress Party's manifesto and core political philosophy. An emotional attachment to his legacy was instrumental in the rise of his daughter Indira to leadership of the Congress Party and the national government. Many documentaries about Nehru's life have been produced. He has also been portrayed in fictionalised films.The canonical performance is probably that of Roshan Seth, who played him three times: in Richard Attenborough's 1982 film Gandhi, Shyam Benegal's 1988 television series Bharat Ek Khoj, based on Nehru's The Discovery of India, and in a 2007 TV film entitled The Last Days of the Raj. [28] In K etan Mehta's film Sardar, Nehru was portrayed by Benjamin Gilani. Nehru's personal preference for the sherwani ensured that it continues to be considered formal wear in North India today; aside from lending his name to a kind of cap, the Nehru jacket is named in his honour due to his preference for that style.Numerous public institutions and memorials across India are dedicated to Nehru's memory. The Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi is among the most prestigious universities in India. The Jawaharlal Nehru Port near the city of Mumbai is a modern port and dock designed to handle a huge cargo and traffic load. Nehru's residence in Delhi is preserved as the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library. The Nehru family homes at Anand Bhavan and Swaraj Bhavan are also preserved to commemorate Nehru and his family's legacy. edit] Writings Nehru was a prolific writer in English and wrote a number of books, such as The Discovery of India, Glimpses of World History, and his autobiography, Towards Freedom. [edit] Awards In 1955 Nehru was awarded with Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian honour. [29] [edit] Criticism D. D. Kosambi, a well-known Marxist historian, criticized Nehru in his article for the bourgeoisie class exploitation of Nehru's socialist ideology. [30]Jaswant Singh, a former leader of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), viewed Nehru, not Mohammad Ali Jinnah, as causing the partition of India, mostly referring to his highly centralised policies for an independent India in 1947, which Jinnah opposed in favour of a more decentralised India. The split between the two was among the causes of partition. It is believed that personal animosity between the two leaders led to the partition of India. [31][32] Singh was later expelled from the BJP for having favourable views on Jinnah. [ Jawaharlal Nehru Jawaharlal Nehru (Hindi/Kashmiri: , pronounced [d a r? la? l ? ne ru? ]; 14 November 1889–27 May 1964[4]) was an Indian statesman who was the first (and to date the longest-serving) prime minister of India, from 1947 until 1964. One of the leading figures in the Indian independence movement, Nehru was elected by the Congress Party to assume office as independent India's first Prime Minister, and re-elected when the Congress Party won India's first general election in 1952.As one of the founders of the Non-aligned Movement, he was also an important figure in the international politics of the post-war era. He is frequently referred to as Pandit Nehru (â€Å"pandit† being a Sanskrit and Hindi honorific meaning â€Å"scholar† or â€Å"teacher†) and, specifically in India, as Panditji (with â€Å"-ji† being a honorific suffix). The son of a wealthy Indian barrister and politician, Motilal Nehru, Nehru became a leader of the left wing of the Congress Pa rty when still fairly young.Rising to become Congress President, under the mentorship of Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru was a charismatic and radical leader, advocating complete independence from the British Empire. In the long struggle for Indian independence, in which he was a key player, Nehru was eventually recognized as Gandhi's political heir. Throughout his life, Nehru was also an advocate for Fabian socialism and the public sector as the means by which long-standing challenges of economic development could be addressed by poorer nations. Jawaharlal Nehru was born to Motilal Nehru (1861–1931) and Swaroop Rani (1863–1954) in a Kashmiri Pandit family.The Nehru family – Motilal Nehru is seated in the center, and standing (L to R) are Jawaharlal Nehru, Vijayalakshmi Pandit, Krishna Hutheesing, Indira Gandhi, and Ranjit Pandit; Seated: Swaroop Rani, Motilal Nehru and Kamala Nehru (circa 1927). Nehru was educated in India and Britain. In England, he attended the indepen dent boy's school, Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge. Jawaharlal Nehru at Harrow, where he was also known as Joe Nehru. During his time in Britain, Nehru was also known as Joe Nehru. [5][6][7][8][9][10] On 8 February, 1916, Nehru married seventeen year old Kamala Kaul. In the irst year of the marriage, Kamala gave birth to their only child, Indira Priyadarshini. [edit] Life and career Nehru raised the flag of independent India in New Delhi on 15 August 1947, the day India gained Independence.Nehru's appreciation of the virtues of parliamentary democracy, secularism and liberalism, coupled with his concerns for the poor and underprivileged, are recognised to have guided him in formulating socialist policies that influence India to this day. They also reflect the socialist origins of his worldview. His daughter, Indira Gandhi, and grandson, Rajiv Gandhi, also served as Prime Ministers of India. edit] Successor to Gandhi On 15 January 1941 Gandhi said, â€Å"Some say Pandit Nehru and I were estranged. It will require much more than difference of opinion to estrange us. We had differences from the time we became co-workers and yet I have said for some years and say so now that not Rajaji but Jawaharlal will be my successor. â€Å"[11] [edit] India's first Prime Minister Teen Murti Bhavan, Nehru's residence as Prime Minister, now a museum in his memory. Nehru and his colleagues had been released as the British Cabinet Mission arrived to propose plans for transfer of power.Once elected, Nehru headed an interim government, which was impaired by outbreaks of communal violence and political disorder, and the opposition of the Muslim League led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who were demanding a separate Muslim state of Pakistan. After failed bids to form coalitions, Nehru reluctantly supported the partition of India, according to a plan released by the British on 3 June 1947. He took office as the Prime Minister of India on 15 August, and delivered his inaugural address titled â€Å"A Tryst With Destiny† â€Å"Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes hen we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance. It is fitting that at this solemn moment we take the pledge of dedication to the service of India and her people and to the still larger cause of humanity. â€Å"[12] However, this period was marked with intense communal violence.This violence swept across the Punjab region, Delhi, Bengal and other parts of India. Nehru conducted joint tours[citation needed] with Pakistani leaders to encourage peace and calm angry and disillusioned refugees. Nehru would work with Maulana Azad and other Muslim leaders to safeguard and encourage Muslims to remain in India. The violence of the time deeply affected Nehru, who called for a ceasefire[citation needed] and UN intervention to stop the Indo-Pakistani War of 1947. Fearing communal reprisals, Nehru also hesitated in supporting the annexation of Hyderabad State.In the years following independence, Nehru frequently turned to his daughter Indira to look after him and manage his personal affairs. Under his leadership, the Congress won an overwhelming majority in the elections of 1952. Indira moved into Nehru's official residence to attend to him and became his constant companion in his travels across India and the world. Indira would virtually become Nehru's chief of staff. Nehru's study in Teen Murti Bhavan. [edit] Economic policies Nehru presided over the introduction of a modified, Indian version of state planning and control over the economy.Creating the Planning commission of India, Nehru drew up the first Five-Year Plan in 1951, which charted the gov ernment's investments in industries and agriculture. Increasing business and income taxes, Nehru envisaged a mixed economy in which the government would manage strategic industries such as mining, electricity and heavy industries, serving public interest and a check to private enterprise. Nehru pursued land redistribution and launched programmes to build irrigation canals, dams and spread the use of fertilizers to increase agricultural roduction. He also pioneered a series of community development programs aimed at spreading diverse cottage industries and increasing efficiency into rural India. While encouraging the construction of large dams (which Nehru called the â€Å"new temples of India†), irrigation works and the generation of hydroelectricity, Nehru also launched India's programme to harness nuclear energy. For most of Nehru's term as prime minister, India would continue to face serious food shortages despite progress and increases in agricultural production.Nehru's i ndustrial policies, summarised in the Industrial Policy Resolution of 1956, encouraged the growth of diverse manufacturing and heavy industries,[13] yet state planning, controls and regulations began to impair productivity, quality and profitability. Although the Indian economy enjoyed a steady rate of growth, called Hindu rate of growth at 2. 5% per annum, chronic unemployment amidst widespread poverty continued to plague the population. [edit] Education and social reform Jawaharlal Nehru was a passionate advocate of education for India's children and youth, believing it essential for India's future progress.His government oversaw the establishment of many institutions of higher learning, including the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, the Indian Institutes of Technology and the Indian Institutes of Management. Nehru also outlined a commitment in his five-year plans to guarantee free and compulsory primary education to all of India's children. For this purpose, Nehru oversaw the creation of mass village enrollment programmes and the construction of thousands of schools. Nehru also launched initiatives such as the provision of free milk and meals to children in order to fight malnutrition.Adult education centres, vocational and technical schools were also organised for adults, especially in the rural areas. Under Nehru, the Indian Parliament enacted many changes to Hindu law to criminalize caste discrimination and increase the legal rights and social freedoms of women[14][15][16] [17] A system of reservations in government services and educational institutions was created to eradicate the social inequalities and disadvantages faced by peoples of the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. Nehru also championed secularism and religious harmony, increasing the representation of minorities in government. edit] National security and foreign policy See also: Role of India in Non-Aligned Movement Nehru led newly independent India from 1947 to 1964, during its first years of freedom from British rule. Both the United States and the Soviet Union competed to make India an ally throughout the Cold War. On the international scene, Nehru was a champion of pacifism and a strong supporter of the United Nations. He pioneered the policy of non-alignment and co-founded the Non-Aligned Movement of nations professing neutrality between the rival blocs of nations led by the U. S. and the U. S.S. R. Recognising the People's Republic of China soon after its founding (while most of the Western bloc continued relations with the Republic of China), Nehru argued for its inclusion in the United Nations and refused to brand the Chinese as the aggressors in their conflict with Korea. [18] He sought to establish warm and friendly relations with China in 1950, and hoped to act as an intermediary to bridge the gulf and tensions between the communist states and the Western bloc. Meanwhile, Nehru had promised in 1948 to hold a plebiscite in Kashmir under the auspic es of the U.N. but, as Pakistan failed to pull back troops in accordance with the UN resolution and as Nehru grew increasingly wary of the U. N. , he declined to hold a plebiscite in 1953. He ordered the arrest of the Kashmiri politician Sheikh Abdullah, whom he had previously supported but now suspected of harbouring separatist ambitions; Bakshi Ghulam Mohammad replaced him. His policy of pacifism and appeasement with respect to China also came unraveled when border disputes led to the Sino-Indian war in 1962.Jawaharlal Nehru (right) talks to Pakistan prime minister Muhammad Ali Bogra (left) during his 1953 visit to Karachi. Nehru was hailed by many for working to defuse global tensions and the threat of nuclear weapons. [19] He commissioned the first study of the human effects of nuclear explosions, and campaigned ceaselessly for the abolition of what he called â€Å"these frightful engines of destruction. † He also had pragmatic reasons for promoting de-nuclearisation, fea ring that a nuclear arms race would lead to over-militarisation that would be unaffordable for developing countries such as his own. 20] In 1956 he had criticised the joint invasion of the Suez Canal by the British, French and Israelis. Suspicion and distrust cooled relations between India and the U. S. , which suspected Nehru of tacitly supporting the Soviet Union. Accepting the arbitration of the UK and World Bank, Nehru signed the Indus Water Treaty in 1960 with Pakistani ruler Ayub Khan to resolve long-standing disputes about sharing the resources of the major rivers of the Punjab region. [edit] Final years Nehru with Ashoke Kumar Sen, S.Radhakrishnan and Bidhan Chandra RoyNehru had led the Congress to a major victory in the 1957 elections, but his government was facing rising problems and criticism. Disillusioned by intra-party corruption and bickering, Nehru contemplated resigning but continued to serve. The election of his daughter Indira as Congress President in 1959 aroused criticism for alleged nepotism[citation needed], although actually Nehru had disapproved of her election, partly because he considered it smacked of â€Å"dynastism†; he said, indeed it was â€Å"wholly undemocratic and an undesirable thing†, and refused her a position in his cabinet. 21] Indira herself was at loggerheads with her father over policy; most notably, she used his oft-stated personal deference to the Congress Working Committee to push through the dismissal of the Communist Party of India government in the state of Kerala, over his own objections. [21] Nehru began to be frequently embarrassed by her ruthlessness and disregard for parliamentary tradition, and was â€Å"hurt† by what he saw as an assertiveness with no purpose other than to stake out an identity independent of her father. [4]Although the Pancha Sila (Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence) was the basis of the 1954 Sino-Indian border treaty, in later years, Nehru's foreign policy suff ered through increasing Chinese assertiveness over border disputes and Nehru's decision to grant political asylum to the 14th Dalai Lama. After years of failed negotiations, Nehru authorized the Indian Army to invade Goa in 1961, and then he annexed it to India. It increased his popularity, but he was criticized the use of military force. In the 1962 elections, Nehru led the Congress to victory yet with a diminished majority.Opposition parties ranging from the right-wing Bharatiya Jana Sangh and Swatantra Party, socialists and the Communist Party of India performed well. Public viewing of Nehru's body, which lies in state, in 1964; the gun carriage used for his state funeral was later used for the state funeral of Mother TeresaSince 1959, and this accelerated in 1961, Nehru adopted the â€Å"Forward Policy† of setting up military outposts in disputed areas of the Sino-Indian border, including in 43 outposts in territory not previously controlled by India. 22] China attacked s ome of these outposts, and thus the Sino-Indian War began, which India technically lost, but China gained no territory as it withdrew to pre-war lines. The war exposed the weaknesses of India's military, and Nehru was widely criticised for his government's insufficient attention to defence. In response, Nehru sacked the defence minister Krishna Menon and sought U. S. military aid, but Nehru's health began declining steadily, and he spent months recuperating in Kashmir through 1963.Some historians attribute this dramatic decline to his surprise and chagrin over the Sino-Indian War, which he perceived as a betrayal of trust. [23] Upon his return from Kashmir in May 1964, Nehru suffered a stroke and later a heart attack. He died in the early hours of 27 May 1964. Nehru was cremated in accordance with Hindu rites at the Shantivana on the banks of the Yamuna River, witnessed by hundreds of thousands of mourners who had flocked into the streets of Delhi and the cremation grounds. [edit] L egacy Nehru's statue in Aldwych, London.As India's first Prime minister and external affairs minister, Jawaharlal Nehru played a major role in shaping modern India's government and political culture along with sound foreign policy. He is praised for creating a system providing universal primary education, reaching children in the farthest corners of rural India. Nehru's education policy is also credited for the development of world-class educational institutions such as the All India Institute of Medical Sciences,[24] Indian Institutes of Technology,[25] and the Indian Institutes of Management. Nehru was a great man†¦ Nehru gave to Indians an image of themselves that I don't think others might have succeeded in doing. † – Sir Isaiah Berlin[26] In addition, Nehru's stance as an unfailing nationalist led him to also implement policies which stressed commonality among Indians while still appreciating regional diversities. This proved particularly important as post-Ind ependence differences surfaced since British withdrawal from the subcontinent prompted regional leaders to no longer relate to one another as allies against a common adversary.While differences of culture and, especially, language threatened the unity of the new nation, Nehru established programs such as the National Book Trust and the National Literary Academy which promoted the translation of regional literatures between languages and also organized the transfer of materials between regions. In pursuit of a single, unified India, Nehru warned, â€Å"Integrate or perish. â€Å"[27] [edit] Commemoration Nehru hands out sweets to children in Nongpoh Jawaharlal Nehru on a 1989 USSR commemorative stamp.In his lifetime, Jawaharlal Nehru enjoyed an iconic status in India and was widely admired across the world for his idealism and statesmanship. His birthday, 14 November, is celebrated in India as Baal Divas (Children's Day) in recognition of his lifelong passion and work for the welfa re, education and development of children and young people. Children across India remember him as Chacha Nehru (Uncle Nehru). Nehru remains a popular symbol of the Congress Party which frequently celebrates his memory.Congress leaders and activists often emulate his style of clothing, especially the Gandhi cap, and his mannerisms. Nehru's ideals and policies continue to shape the Congress Party's manifesto and core political philosophy. An emotional attachment to his legacy was instrumental in the rise of his daughter Indira to leadership of the Congress Party and the national government. Many documentaries about Nehru's life have been produced. He has also been portrayed in fictionalised films.The canonical performance is probably that of Roshan Seth, who played him three times: in Richard Attenborough's 1982 film Gandhi, Shyam Benegal's 1988 television series Bharat Ek Khoj, based on Nehru's The Discovery of India, and in a 2007 TV film entitled The Last Days of the Raj. [28] In K etan Mehta's film Sardar, Nehru was portrayed by Benjamin Gilani. Nehru's personal preference for the sherwani ensured that it continues to be considered formal wear in North India today; aside from lending his name to a kind of cap, the Nehru jacket is named in his honour due to his preference for that style.Numerous public institutions and memorials across India are dedicated to Nehru's memory. The Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi is among the most prestigious universities in India. The Jawaharlal Nehru Port near the city of Mumbai is a modern port and dock designed to handle a huge cargo and traffic load. Nehru's residence in Delhi is preserved as the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library. The Nehru family homes at Anand Bhavan and Swaraj Bhavan are also preserved to commemorate Nehru and his family's legacy. edit] Writings Nehru was a prolific writer in English and wrote a number of books, such as The Discovery of India, Glimpses of World History, and his autobiography, Towards Freedom. [edit] Awards In 1955 Nehru was awarded with Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian honour. [29] [edit] Criticism D. D. Kosambi, a well-known Marxist historian, criticized Nehru in his article for the bourgeoisie class exploitation of Nehru's socialist ideology. [30]Jaswant Singh, a former leader of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), viewed Nehru, not Mohammad Ali Jinnah, as causing the partition of India, mostly referring to his highly centralised policies for an independent India in 1947, which Jinnah opposed in favour of a more decentralised India. The split between the two was among the causes of partition. It is believed that personal animosity between the two leaders led to the partition of India. [31][32] Singh was later expelled from the BJP for having favourable views on Jinnah. [

Friday, September 27, 2019


PETROLEUM ENGINEERING DESIGN PROJECT - Research Paper Example In addition, possible consequences formation damage in well-11 in the productivity of the Wytch Farm Oil Field is also covered. The methods of treating and preventing the occurrence of formation damage are also covered in this paper. The research paper also discussed the basics of formation damage, permeability and porosity. INTRODUCTION Wytch Farm Oil Field is considered as one of the largest oil fields in Europe. The oil field comprises of three major oil reservoirs namely: Bridport Reservoir (about 2900 feet or 900 meters), Shallow Frome Limestone Reservior (about 2625 feet or 800 meters), and Sherwood Reservior (about 5200 feet or 1600 meters) (Allen, Conran, & Lesso 2007). Being large, and that it is also associated with shale and limestone its permeability is low. In order to increase the permeability of one of the wells in Wytch Farm Oil Field, a horizontal well was developed. However, according to Bennio, Thomas, Jamaluddin, Ma, & Agnew (2007), compared with vertical wells, h orizontal wells are more susceptible to formation damage. Formation damage is a condition or a process in which permeability of the oil producing formations are reduced to levels that are lower than normal (Thallak, Holder, & Gray 2003). According to Thallak, Holder, & Gray (2003), the loss lof permeability as a result of formation damage leads to a reduction in oil productivity as well as inhibits access to other oil reservoirs. Therefore, due to the fact that Wytch Farm Oil Field is susceptible formation damage it is at risk of being affected by loss of permeability and consequently reduction in production. This research paper therefore aims at studying the possibility of occurrence of formation damage in one of the wells in Wytch Farm Oil Field in the United Kingdom. The research paper will also study the possible consequences formation damage in the productivity of the Wytch Farm Oil Field. RESEARCH AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Just as earlier mentioned Wytch Farm Oil Field in the United Kingdom is one of the oil fields that is susceptible to formation damage. The two man aims of this research paper are as stated below. i. To study the occurrence of formation damage in Wytch Farm Oil Field in the United Kingdom. ii. To study the possible consequences formation damage in the productivity of the Wytch Farm Oil Field. iii. To discuss nature, methods of prevention and treatment of formation damage in Wytch Farm Oil Field in the United Kingdom. iv. To understand formation damage in general. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY In order to achieve the objectives of this research paper, the research first outlined the basics of formation damage (including permeability of the oil field). The researcher then outlined the various ways of preventing or treating formation damage. After an discussing the basics of the formation damage, these basics were applied to Wytch Farm Oil Field in an effort to study the possibility of occurrence of formation damage in Wytch Farm Oil Field in the United Kingdom. This involved studying the formation of the Wytch Farm Oil Field (including porosity and permeability the formation). A number formulas and equations were used in this research and they are as stated bel

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Service Product Analysis Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Service Product Analysis - Term Paper Example As known, the Walt Disney Company has first captured the attention of the children in the society [practically in America] to believe in things that are almost impossible through fairy tales. Through the idea of making the impossible happen, the Walt Disney Company has made a great approach in making the children believe that whatever they may dream of could come true as long as they put their faith in it. Besides that, the Company also tried to produce different cartoon creations that are aimed in presenting comical thoughts not only to the children but also to their parents (Kotler, Armstrong, Wong and Saunders, 2002). Walt Disney’s deals with a combination of products and services and the company has been able to with the strong history and high experience that the company has in the current markets, it is essential to note that Disney has been able to gain a strong market position and has also been recognized for some of the best products and services. The experience along with the products and their services gives them a stronger position in the markets. Also with the newer technologies and the new productions of the company, Disney has also been able to set up new product lines based on their characters and has been able to place them very strategically in various stores across the country. The company has been able to set new stores across various malls and super centers and this the company used to increase its visibility in the markets (Miller, 2001). Also, the company’s theme park is also a well-known area and is visited by a number of vacationing families each year (Jobber, 2004). In terms of promotions and pricing, the company has been able to build a strong image and excellent promotions. The company has been able to develop an interlinked and intertwined form of promotion for all the products and services and these include, the movie production, books, consumer products and also the theme parks. The company has developed the promotional campaigns in a where were all the promotions are interlinked and ensure that all products are promoted at all times.

Organization Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Organization Change - Essay Example Organizational change exists when a company makes a shift from its present to a desired future state. Management of change in an organization therefore involves intense planning and implementation of the change in a way that minimizes resistance from employees and cost while maximizing the effectiveness of the change effort. Oticon was well-established Danish company, which concentrated more on manufacturing hearing aids for its clients. However, despite high ranking over a long period, the company started experiencing losses and drop in sales (Nadler & Nadler, 1998). In saving the company, the new CEO Lars Kolind embarked on a mission to cut the cost to enhance reduction of expenses. With reference to Nadler’s integrated change agenda, Lars dedicated on changing the values of the company (Nadler & Nadler, 1998). Oticon initially concentrated on manufacturing high quality expensive products. As competition intensified, the sale of hearing aid products from Oticon began to drop because of the availability of lower cost products. Lars attempts were to change this perspective and ensure that Oticon products become the product of choice. Lars wanted to alter the values of the company and to shift focus on action and dialogue. Primarily, the actions were to ensure that Oticon remains creative, innovative and flexible (Nadler & Nadler, 1998). The dialogue was to involve all the employees to have fresh thinking on any latest idea that would apply to enhance Oticon’s competitive edge and profitability. A vital recommendation at times of organization change is employee involvement. The most important asset for an enterprise is its employees. It is fundamental to inform all employees of impending organizational changes. An evident explanation of every change is imperative. Informed employees will be more receptive to change, however, an employee who has no information about the change will resist it even if the change has a positive effect.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Einojuhani Rautavaara Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Einojuhani Rautavaara - Essay Example in 1954. Most of Rautavaara's works have been recorded with his Symphony No. 7 been performed too. His works hint Modernism as well Romanticism and even show Constructivism and Mysticism. He can be well said to be a mediator in the creative process. In regard to the absence of history as Post-Modernist and being a Romantic he himself commented, "A Romantic has no coordinates. In time, he is yesterday or tomorrow, never today. In space, he is over there or over yonder, never here." He also demonstrated an extended approach in his Neo-Classical period. Among his early piano works, "Kolme symmetrist preludia (Three Symmetrical Preludes, 1949) was Constructivist; "Pelimannit" (Fiddlers, 1952) was folklorish; and "Ikonit" (Icons, 1955) stemmed from Orthodox mysticism." Rautavaara has marked the field in various musical ensembles as orchestral music, works for string orchestra, solo instrumental works, chamber music and vocal music. He writes extremely melodious tunes with depth and without being artificial which is surly a great achievement in present music scenario. Einojuhani Rautavaara's works are clear influences of the most complex human emotions. The main characters are always tangled within their hopes and fears, memories and hallucinations etc. The characters are the inspirations of the actual people from history but the operas are not the mere depiction of real historical events. He has well experimented with his characters for example the title characters in "'Thomas', "Vincent" and "Aleksis Kivi", the title characters are exceptional (one might almost say deviant) individuals; in "Auringon talo", the main characters are misfits on the fringe of society..." "..misfits on the fringe of society." Einojuhani Rautavaara: A composer of Many Personas. In his works it has been seen that the layers of time form Czars to contemporary, from Romantic to Neo-Classical keep intermingling without any specific relevance but the memory plays vital role in Proustian manner. His first award winning work "A Requiem in Our Time" had clear influences of Nordic classicism of Sibelius and Nielsen as well as that of Bartok, Shostakovich and folk music. In his early career he experimented with serial technique but those didn't come out to be real series. He tried to work upon it in his Symphony No. 3 but it seemed more like Anton Bruckner than the traditional serialists as Pierre Boulez. His later works reflect mystical element having referencing to angels - a menacing figure than being cherubic for him. "A characteristic 'Rautavaara sound' might be a rhapsodic string theme of austere beauty, with whirling flute lines, gently dissonant bells, and perhaps the suggestion of a pastoral horn." ......... suggestion of a pastoral horn." Classical Cat- The Free Classical Catalogue. Rautavaara has been greatly fascinated by metaphysical subjects. It is not any doctrine which held his belief in this nut the words of a German

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Ludwig van Beethoven Moonlight Sonata Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ludwig van Beethoven Moonlight Sonata - Essay Example There should not be any form of discrepancy in the music in accordance with the counterpoint rules laid out in the classical period. As such, this rule requires that two separate voices not to move in parallel fifths or octaves. This is unless one of the voices acts as a double to the other voice. Therefore, it should be clear that the middle triplet not does not double the bass-line, which is already doubled. This provides that the –c should be played in the place of b. The First Movement In most cases, the first movement adheres to the form required for the sonata. The explosion provides that the second subject is from an inferior key rather than from a key that is dominant. This is usually the case in a classical sonata form. As such, the key instead sounds in a key that is not even a parallel key, the B minor key. The Second Movement Going forwards, the second movement is apparently a lighthearted exercise as expected in classical harmony. This is unfortunate because the main motif hardly comes out as a good melody. In addition, the main motif appears repeatedly in the second movement, more than twenty times in the course of about two minutes. he third movement begins with notes that are the same to those in the first movement. As such, this 3rd movement stands out as a fierce fiery presto in the sonata form. The notes that appear in both the 1st and 3rd movements are the c-sharp, g-sharp, e and c-sharp.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 8

Marketing - Essay Example According to Walker (2009), in 2012, over 20,000 e-bikes were sold in United Kingdom. Support for greener transport continues to grow thus making e-bikes become a trend, and giving a higher advantage to the stockers of e-bikes. This is a marketing plan in the field of sustainable mobility. The success factor in electric bicycle is that it has several benefits in comparison to conventional forms of individual mobility. E-bikes business has been selected because electric bicycles mitigate accessibility problems and reducing energy use and most relevant emissions of commuter traffic. These issues are the success factors of Manchester e-bikes Inc. because e-bikes will reduce environmental degradation, as well as offer cheap transport options. This plan focuses on the company’s growth strategy, suggesting ways in which Manchester e-bikes Inc. can build a large customer base, develop products that are differentiated from the already existing brands in the market. This plan will also provide information regarding the external environment in which the Company will operate in order to provide it with a good startup strategy. Since Manchester e-bikes Inc. will market its products directly to its customers, it is considered a business-to-customer (B2C) marketer. This marketing plan seeks to promote consumer awareness of the e-bikes and to motivate and entice them to purchase e-bikes. An outline of the strategies through which the e-bikes will be marketed will be given in this marketing plan. A substantial research will be undertaken in order to develop viable assessments that will help Manchester e-bike Inc. to determine the marketing and image branding direction for their products. Every business is rooted in a particular macro environment. An instrument that is used to scan the macro environment is the PESTLE analysis (Andler 2008, p. 197-198). This analysis will be conducted in consideration of the political environment, economic

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Adventure of the Speckled Band Essay Example for Free

The Adventure of the Speckled Band Essay When we first meet Helen Stoner, her personality describes her as a kind and pious woman. She lived with her step-father, the only relative alive. She has no persona because she is an honest person and she shares her feelings with everyone. Her motivation is to find out how her sister has been murdered. In that time and place, womens status were low therefore, they were not considered as important as men: â€Å"It is not cold that makes me shiver† This leads to the theme of lonliness because she feels that she is alone and haso one to go to but Holmes. This whole quote is a powerful symbol which tells the reader that she is in a terrible condition. Also, it puts an image in the readers mind of the structures and features of the body that must have worn out due to a long period of time of stress. This is typical of women when they loose a relative that they be in deep depression. When we first meet Dr. Roylott, his background personality has already been revealed by his step daughter. His motivation is to keep Helen under control. Dr. Roylott has no persona because his personality reveals himself as an angry and aggressive man. In that time and place, England were at the centre of the world therefore Dr. Roylott incredibly thinks he is a powerful master. Also, he has a pet cheetah which symbolises that he is forgein and by keeping this pet, Dr. Roylott imitates himself as this powerful preditor. As later text in films such as Blade, in which he is half human . half vampire? In this case, British people will be afraid of him because of his tan which give him the air of not being from the Brtitish Isles. â€Å"A large face, seared with a thousand wrinkles. † This leads to the theme of stress because he has spent his life in prison because he killed someone in Calcutta. Also, it leads to the theme of power because of him having a medical degree and that he is a doctor – thoses were high classed jobs. The word â€Å"thousand wrinkles† symbolises that a person has been living a miserable life. The word â€Å"seared† also puts an image in the readers mind that in prison he must have lived a tourtourous life. Also, â€Å"seared† means burned so it reminds the reader that he is forgien. When we first meet Sherlock Holmes, his personality reveals himself as a kind but stern person. His motivation is to solve the mystery of Helen’s sisters death. He has no persona because he is an honest person and as part of a scientific dectective their job is not to be biased but to take everything into account. In that time and place, detectives didn’t consider women as important unless their came with their husbands, fathers or other male relatives. To grab the dectectives attention, unlike Holmes, he treats women and men as equals. His place in society is high because firstly he is a scientific detective and because he loves investigating the real cause of murders for no financial gain, this shows that people have more respect for them as he understand the needs of humanity. A later text, this sort of dectective comes in the film ‘The Fugitive’ because the dectective in the film describes himself a lot like Holmes. â€Å"Dark enough and sinister enough. † This leads to the theme of cunning and cleaverness because as soon as Helencame in, he spotted all the signs on her body that had a link to Dr. Roylott. Also, it leads to the theme of magic and witch craft because usually, witchcraft is more of a major sin than committing a murder but Sherlock Holmes is expressing his thoughts clearly believes that killing someone is a grave sin. This whole quote is a powerful symbol because when he says â€Å"Dark enough† it means that this case is full of obstacles and the words â€Å"sinister enough† means that this kind of case cannot get more evil. Also, if you put the quote together, it makes the reader feel that as if the sin that has been committed there is no forgiveness.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Importance Of Travel Insurance Commerce Essay

The Importance Of Travel Insurance Commerce Essay Travel insurance includes insurance thats supposed to cover financial and medical expenses and other losses as youre traveling, either internationally or inside your own country. Travel insurance that is temporary could be arranged at the booking time of the trip to cover the duration of the trip, or a more extensive insurance could be bought from travel agents, travel insurance companies or from travel suppliers like tour operators or cruiselines. Travel insurance oftentimes provides coverage for different travelers. Travel insurance bought from travel suppliers is less inclusive than insurance provided by the insurance companies. International travel, cruise travel, adventure travel, leisure travel, business travel and student travel are all different choices which could be insured.   The more popular complications which are covered by this type of insurance include:   Return of a minor kid   Trip interruption/cancellation   Overseas funeral expenditures   Departure thats delayed   Baggage thats delayed   Rental car damage excess and personal liability   Medical expenses   Emergency repatriation/evacuation   Repatriation of remains   Disablement benefit, injury or accidental death   Curtailment   Damage to, theft of, or loss of money and personal possessions   Legal help   The insurers will cover pregnancy related expenditures, if the travel happens inside the 1st trimester. Following that, the insurance coverage differs from each insurer.   This type of insurance could additionally offer assistance services, oftentimes around the clock, seven days per week which could involve emergency travel assistance and concierge services.   Traveling insurance for the period of a journey is priced at around five to seven percent of the price of a trip.   Employment Insurance   Employment insurance includes a kind of insurance that offers financial support for the policyholder in the instance that he or she loses her or his job. Employment insurance is translated into unemployment benefits. Employment insurance might be offered by the government as a type of government financial aid or social security insurance. In this instance, employment insurance might refer to the funds offered by the government to cover any living expenses of an individual who unpredictably loses her or his job. Employment insurance of this kind is obtainable just for a short duration of transition til the individual locates another job. Additonally, there includes these kind of insurance policies obtainable for buy within insurance companies that are private.   Insurance for employment is sold as a portion of a loan or credit card package from lending institutions or banks. This type of insurance becomes a type of liability insurance where the individual doesnt benefit directly. Unemployment benefits of this kind dont offer funds which cover the price of living. Instead, the sole reason of this kind of unemployment benefit is for the individual to offer guarantee to the lending institution or bank that a loan will be paid, even if the individual unexpectedly loses her or his income.   This type of insurance covers liabilities and costs incurred by the insured individual as she or he unexpectedly loses his or her job. The kinds of financial aid offered by this kind of insurance include payment for financial obligations, like loans, as well as cost of living allowance.   Liability Inusrance   There includes several different kinds of insurance policies obtainable, yet liability insurance is one of the more common due to it costing less than the other choices. Regarding car insurance policies, liability insurance is priced less than full coverage. The purpose for this is due to full coverage insurance paying for both your car as well as any other car included in the accident, and medical expenses and property damage due to injuries to another party or you.   On the flip side, liability insurance is solely responsible for the other persons losses. Your and your property will be left unprotected, yet liability insurance will protect you from being held responsible for the other persons damages.   There includes various kinds of liability insurance, involving general liability, that operates in a similar way as car insurance, yet covers businesses.   The term D O liability means directors and officers liability and is supposed to cover the omissions or acts of the ones in the position of officer or director. A whole company ought not be held liable for the failure to act, actions, statements or other errors which are the responsibility of a director or officer.   Employer liability is additonally referred to as workers comp, and its a mandatory type of liability coverage which every business needs to possess.   Professional liability is almost the same as malpractice insurance, though coverage might not be as comprehensive as a few malpractice policies within various fields. The reason for professional liability would be to protect the ones seen as experts or professionals within a field, who might not be protected by general liability because of their expertise.   Credit Insurance   Credit insurance is a phrase utilized to define both consumer credit insurance as well as business credit insurance, that is, credit unemployment insurance, credit disability insurance and credit life insurance.   The easiest method of differentiating between these 2 kinds of insurance is:   Consumer credit insurance includes credit insurance which customers buy to insure payment of credit that is extended to the customer.   Business credit insurance includes credit insurance which businesses buy to insure payment of credit that is extended by a business.   Consumer credit insurance includes a method of customers to insure repayment of the loans even if the borrower loses a job, becomes disabled or passes away. Consumer credit insurance could be bought to insure all types of consumer loans involving home mortgage borrowing, loans from finance companies, credit card debt and auto loans. Though bought by the borrower/consumer, the benefit payment will go to the company financing the buy or extending credit toward the customer.   The trade or credit insurance is a risk management product and insurance policy which covers a payment risk that results from the delivery of services or goods. Trade insurance typically pays an agreed percentage of a receivable or invoice which stays unpaid as the result of a protracted default, bankruptcy or insolvency and covers a portfolio of buyers. Trade insurance is bought by business entities in order to insure that their accounts receivable from loss was caused by the insolvency of debtors. This type of product isnt obtainable to individual people.   Health Insurance   Health insurance is a kind of collectivism where the individuals pool collectively their risk, and in this instance, the risk of incurring medical expenditures. The collective will be organized on a non-profit basis for the pool members and is publicly owned, although pools of health insurance, within a few countries, might additionally be managed by the for-profit companies. At times, its utilized broadly to incorporate insurance covering long-term nursing, disability or custodial care necessities. It might be offered via the government-sponsored social insurance plan, or from insurance companies that are private. It might be bought upon a group basis or bought by a single person. In either instance, the individuals or covered groups pay a premium, fee or taxto assist in protecting themselves from unpredictable healthcare expenditures.   The U.S. system of health care heavily relies upon private health insurance, the main coverage source for many Americans. Fifty-eight percent of Americans possess private health insurance, according to the CDC. Public plans offer the main coverage source for seniors as well as children and families with low-incomes who meet specific qualification requirements. The main public plans include Medicare, a federal social insurance plan for senior citizens and specific disabled people, Medicaid, thats funded jointly by the states and federal government, yet administered at the state level, that covers specific low income families and their children, as well as SCHIP, additionally a federal-state partnership which serves specific families and children who arent eligible for Medicaid, yet who cant afford coverage that is private.   Property Insurance   Property insurance offers protection against a majority of risks to property, like theft, fire and weather damage. This involves specialized types of insurance like boiler insurance, home insurance, earthquake insurance, flood insurance or fire insurance. The property will be insured within 2 primary ways named perils and open perils. Named perils require the specific loss cause to be listed within an insurance policy to be offered. Open perils will cover every bit of the loss causes not solely excluded within a policy. Some common exclusions on open peril policies involve damage that results from war, acts of terrorism, nuclear incidents, floods and earthquakes.  Ã‚   There includes 3 kinds of property insurance coverage. Specific cash value coverage offers replacement price minus the depreciation. Extended replacement price will pay above the coverage limit if the prices for construction increase. As you receive property insurance, the limit for coverage is the maximum quantity the company of property insurance will pay out in the instance of property loss. The quantity will have to fluctuate if houses within the neighborhood rise. Household content replacement will be tabulated as a percentage of the value of your house in the instance of a fire. A policy could pay for alternative arrangements of living if a fire makes your house uninhabitable. One final coverage choice will be to possess alternative living arrangements incorporated into the policy. Replacement cost coverage will pays the price of replacing your property regardless of its appreciation or depreciation. The premiums for replacement cost coverage are based upon replacement price va lues.   Life Insurance   In order to clear up any confusion, life insurance is made to protect the ones you love from financial disaster in the case of your death. Understanding this, it is vital that you establish if you require life insurance and how much you need to buy.   You usually require life insurance if:   You possess children who are dependent   The retirement funds you have arent enough to offer for your spouse a secure future   You possess a huge estate   You possess a spouse   Elderly parents or relatives depend upon your income  Ã‚   You own your own business   If you do not possess dependents, you might still want to buy an insurance policy in order to prevent becoming a financial burden to the ones you love. Young singles will additionally benefit from buying insurance while they are healthy and young, permitting them to secure a lower premium for furture years.   The beneficiaries of the life insurance policy could utilize the proceeds from the life insurance to:   Pay any estate taxes   Pay for daily expenses such as clothing, childcare and food   Donate to a charity   Pay for funeral costs and last expenses   Pay off any existing debts such as credit card debt, car loan or mortgage   Put toward your spouses fund for retirement   Deciding how much insurance the ones you love will require to maintain their living quality could be difficult. Experts advise buying between five and ten times your yearly salary.   Home Insurance   The main activity while identifying home insurance is to examine what falls outside of basic coverage, you ought to then create a plan for retaining, transferring, reducing or avoiding the exposures as they might be required. Its usually ideal to fill gaps prior to serious uninsured losses occuring. Home insurance doesnt imply cheaper coverage, and determinations ought not be based only upon cost.   Your home insurance policy ought to possess coverage of these parts:   Theft, destruction, or damage to your property  Ã‚   Prices of living expenses within cases of loss   No-fault medical payments to those injured upon your property   Destruction or damage of the detached structures  Ã‚   Personal liability for all property damage and injuries   A vital factor to keep in mind is that your house must be insured for one-hundred percent of the estimated new replacement price. If you insure for depreciated or original value, depreciation will be deducted from the costs of repair and the claim payments will be significantly decreased.   The added premium ought to make it simpler than facing hundreds in losses if the value of the house has appreciated. Ten percent is involved for detached structures, for instance, if the home is insured for $350,000, coverage for $35,000 is involved for detached structures. Its recommended to include the extra coverage for replacement value for the structures that are detached.   For your home insurance to be effective, it might require some proper planning to receive the ideal value in obtaining cheaper home insurance.   Auto Insurance   Many states require their drivers to have auto insurance prior to issuing an auto registration, so its a policy that you cant avoid if you possess a vehicle. The lingo of auto insurance could be especially complicated to comprehend, yet its worth studying if you do not wish to pay premiums that are excessive.   The initial theory of auto insurance is that the policy will cover a certain vehicle. This will mean that youre not covered while driving other vehicles, like your brothers jalopy, unless the policy especially involves them. Because of potential damage to the vehicle itself or injuries that are caused by the automobile, the policy additionally insures the individuals who ride or drive within the car. Primarily, the auto insurance policy will cover your family and you. But, if you allow somebody else to operate your vehicle, like a relative or friend, she or he additionally will be covered on the policy.   Your auto insurance is many types of coverage mixed into a single policy. The main components of coverage include underinsured and uninsured motorist, personal injury, medical payments, comprehensive, collision, property damage and bodily injury.   A few facilities will ask questions which differentiate your automobile usage from the population that is general. But, as it comes to several factors which may decrease the premium, like whether you work full-time or part-time, or the amount of trips you usually make in a week, the risk from heavy drivers will be shared across the whole portfolio of users.   We are a small, independent company, which runs through talent and creativity. We provide our client with highly customized solutions which more closely meet their needs and reflect their company most accurately. We treat every project as a masterpiece, an art that will cater to a worldwide audience. Furthermore, being a small, home-based company, we can offer you the most affordable deal and we can start working with a much lower fee.   We offer  personalized creative design solutions  to meet your needs. Here at ARTUS 360, we create websites that get results.